Saturday, July 25, 2009

Did he deploy to Mars and not tell me?

These are pictures that Mike sent me as a sand storm is taking place in Iraq. Could you imagine having your car covered with sand... not me. This is worse than going to the beach and complaining about the sand on the bottom of my feet. Think I would much rather brush the snow off of my car...

Yes, this is my sweet husband in the middle of this sand storm... or playing dress up early for Halloween.
And yes only the Army holds formation in the middle of a sand storm... Hooah!!

PS: None of these pictures have been altered in any way...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Michael!!


We hope that you have had a great birthday!
We miss you and are very proud of you!
All our love,
Debora, Tony and Cheyenne

This is Mike's first birthday celebrated in a war zone. So glad that his co-workers made him feel as special as we think that he is. Happy Birthday Honey!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

RIP a family legend(:

On June 18, 2009; we had to put our cat Chewbaka "Chewie" Johnson down, due to Kidney Failure.
You are a long lasting friend
never to forget
but always to remember;
we all are happy that you are now in a better safer place
now, you can be the lion you always wanted to be
no problems
and no spanks to worry about
stay out til the dogs chase you
live in your entirety; love the other cats with you, in Kitty heaven(:

love always,
Chey, Momma , Daddy, Chris & Tony