Saturday, April 9, 2011

2nd BCT Memorial Poker Bike Ride

Went for a ride today with some folks that work at the hospital and some other folks from around the island.  Met a lot of vets from the local American Legion and had a great time.  It was a long ride though.  At least we had brisket at the end.
From left to right is MSG Day, SSG Murphy, yours truly, my Cheyenne, Mr. Kyser, and MSG Young.  And yes, I'm wearing a pink shirt, get over it.
Just some of the bikes at the start point.

These are our bikes.  Mines up front and yep, there was another Suzuki there.  His was an M50 and a little newer though.  I heard another C50 like mine with Vance and Hines pipes though.  Gotta get me some.

MSG Young getting ready to take off.

MSG Day lookin' cool with all of his graphics.  He drew them all himself (someone else painted them though).

At the first stop point.

Diamond Head from the look out at point one.

Chey at point one.

Point three, we had to hurry at point two.

Check this beast out.

That's a different back rest.

The finish point.  We were really tired at this point.  No photos of us, sorry.